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ECA Regular Membership Meeting (3/19/25)

The program was held at Mastro's Steakhouse in Chicago, IL.

ECA Regular Membership Meeting (3/19/25)
Mastro's Steakhouse
Chicago, IL.

The Electrical Contractors’ Association of City of Chicago (ECA) held its March Regular Membership meeting on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at Mastro's Steakhouse in Chicago, IL.  The luncheon program featured industry updates and a guest presentation by Marlene Hopkins, Commissioner, City of Chicago Department of Buildings (DOB).  The Commissioner spoke highly of the relationship between the DOB and the ECA.  She thanked her staff for their hard work and dedication.   She reported that Keith Hall is the Chief Electrical Inspector and noted that there is one vacancy in the Electrical Inspection Bureau, as well as the Electric Commission.  She also noted that the Permit times for Electrical Permits have been reduced; 62% of the Express Permits are electrical; the DOB continually works to keep the Chicago Electrical Code updated.

The session also provided information regarding the upcoming NECA Convention & Trade Show, which is to be held in Chicago on September 12 – 15, 2025.  Plans are being finalized for special Chapter activities.  A “Welcome to Chicago” video was shown that highlighted the City’s great architecture, the work of the ECA member firms, and the City’s iconic treasures.  The video was created to assist NECA in promotion of the Convention.  NECA has chosen Chicago Hope Academy for its Adopt-A-School Program during the NECA Convention.  A video was shown highlighting the efforts of the school to educate the high school students about the benefits of working in the trades / electrical industry.  Also, Elbert Walters, III, Powering Chicago Director, premiered the newest Powering Chicago ad that will air during the NCAA March Madness games.

We thank the ECA members who were able to assist Bob Fimbianti, ECA President, Linear Electric, Inc. in facilitating the session.  The members and their presentations included the following: Kendra Dinkins, ECA Vice President, Taylor Electric Company reported on the ECA Research and Education Committee and Culture of Collaboration Committee programming; Jerry McGlynn, McWilliams Electric Company, Inc. reported on ECA Safety Committee activities; Mike Meyer, Continental Electrical Construction Company acknowledged the efforts of the ECA Student Committee; Mallory Gurtz, Gurtz Electric Co. reported on the ECA Young Professionals efforts; Rick Jamerson, NECA Governor, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc. gave a NECA update.

We, again, thank all that assisted and participated with the March Membership meeting.  We thank Commissioner Hopkins for her presentation and her staff for their time at the meeting.  We hope you will join us April 16, 2025 at Truluck’s Restaurant in Rosemont, IL for the next ECA Membership meeting.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured from left to right are:
Bob Fimbianti, ECA President, Linear Electric, Inc.,
Marlene Hopkins, Commissioner, City of Chicago Department of Buildings (DOB), and
Kendra Dinkins, ECA Vice President, Taylor Electric Company.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured is Bob Fimbianti, ECA President, Linear Electric, Inc.,
as he opened the meeting.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured is Kendra Dinkins, ECA Vice President, Taylor Electric Company, 
as she gave her reports.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured is Mike Meyer, Continental Electrical Construction Company,
as he acknowledged the efforts of the ECA Student Committee.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured is Rick Jamerson, NECA Governor, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc.,
as he gave a NECA update.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured above is Marlene Hopkins, Commissioner, City of Chicago Department of Buildings (DOB), 
as she started her presentation.

ECA Membership Meeting March 19 2025Pictured are the attendees for the session.

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