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"Labor Cost - Convert Your Biggest Risk To Your Biggest Advantage" seminar - 3/13/25

The program was held at the IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) in Alsip, IL.

"Labor Cost - Convert Your Biggest Risk To Your Biggest Advantage" seminar
Thursday, March 13, 2025
IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) in Alsip, IL.

The ECA Research and Education Committee was proud to sponsor the seminar, "Labor Cost - Convert Your Biggest Risk To Your Biggest Advantage."  This program was well-attended and was held on Thursday, March 13, 2025 at the IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) in Alsip, IL.  Shaabini Alford, Maxim Consulting Group was the Facilitator for the session.

 Program description:

Case studies demonstrate common myths of field productivity due to a fundamental
misunderstanding of what productivity really is. Case studies provide step by step illustration for participants to simply and clearly define productivity and production. Case studies illustrate methodologies for measuring and managing jobsite productivity for sustainable, breakthrough performance gains.

  • Following this course, participants will be able to:
  • Define and appropriately measure productivity
  • Define and understand the mechanics of production
  • Understand blind spots existing project management approaches have to productivity improvement and what to do about it
  • Gain an introductory understanding, based on case studies, of how to measure cost of lost production and how to implement effective improvement routines

We thank Ms. Alford for her time and expertise with the seminar!

Labor Cost Convert Your Biggest Risk to Your Biggest Advantage seminar 3 13 25Pictured above is Shaabini Alford, Maxim Consulting Group as introductions were being made.

Labor Cost Convert Your Biggest Risk to Your Biggest Advantage seminar 3 13 25Pictured above is Shaabini Alford, Maxim Consulting Group, as she began the session.


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