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ECA & IBEW 134 contribute to the Electrical Industry's Holiday Party for Chicago's Homeless Children

On Saturday, December 8th, ECA and IBEW 134 supported the Electrical Industry's Christmas Party for Homeless Children. New this year, the event was moved to Local 134's beautiful new hall, where hundreds of children and their families enjoyed a very special day. 

Families were bused in from area shelters to enjoy a day of dancing, games, face painting, a magician, turkey dinner, and a visit from Santa himself.  Additionally, each member of the family went home with a present from the north pole as well as a family portrait with Mr. and Mrs. Claus.  This is the 27th year the electrical industry has come together to host this event.  Close to 400 members of the community attended this year.  

IBEW Hosts Xmas Party for Homeless Children  Xmas Party Kids

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