
April 26, 2025

Rebuild Together Metro Chicago -- "Christmas in April" - April 26, 2025

(Powering Chicago is a sponsor)

Austin Community / Maywood, IL

Rebuild Together Metro Chicago
"Christmas in April"
April 26, 2025

Powering Chicago, the joint labor management committee working together to promote a stronger union electrical construction industry is extending an invitation to you to partner with them in the annual Rebuild Together event.

Christmas in April is a day of service which provides minor to moderate electrical repairs in communities that would otherwise go neglected. We are asking for our partners to assist this year by providing service vans, trucks and tools to help assist in making the 2025 campaign a successful Rebuilding Together.

This year’s event is scheduled for April 26th, 2025. There are two locations where industry representatives are donating their talents: Maywood for the suburban community and the Austin community of the City of Chicago. The meeting place for both locations is currently under review. More details on the rally point will be shared soon. As in year’s past, we plan to rally at the determined locations at 7:00am

Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago has had an extremely positive effect within the communities our IBEW members and union electrical contractors have provided aid and because of the challenges these communities endure, our assistance will be impactful. Our industry’s role in assisting with Rebuilding Together Metro Chicago is to provide our talent in keeping the residents warm, comfortable and safe.

Powering Chicago, again, requests your assistance in the donation of your time and resources to make this a truly successful event.  This includes service vans equipped with battery tools, foot benders and ladders. “Thank you” in advance of your help.


Please contact Elbert Walters III for details on how you can help provide a positive impact.

Mr. Elbert Walters, III
Executive Director Powering Chicago
Five Westbrook Corporate Center Ste. # 925
Westchester, IL 60154
(312) 989 - 0724


Please CLICK HERE for the initial information.

Powering Chicago is a proud sponsor for this event.

Powering Chicago tagline


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