October 23, 2022
8:00AM - 4:00PM
"Preplanning – Beyond the Basics" is scheduled for October 26, 2022 (NEW DATE!)
The event to be held on Wednesday, October 26, 2022 will be held at Gibsons Steakhouse. (NEW DATE!)
Gibsons Steakhouse - 2105 Spring Road - Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 954-0000.
Please join us for this ECA Research and Education Committee program!
"Preplanning – Beyond the Basics"
Mark Federle, Ph.D., P.E., CPC; Marquette University
2105 Spring Road
(630) 954-0000.
Program description:
Preplanning is an important skill for project managers. This course will build upon the introductory Preplanning course and focus on enhancing the efforts related to pre-fabrication, lean construction, particularly with a focus on Preplanning to reduce waste and supporting the scheduling process with early identification of constraints. A deeper dive into the impact of schedule compression and “forced” acceleration by the construction manager and general contractor will also be provided.
Following this course, participants will be able to:
- Apply the concepts of Preplanning incorporated in the on-line Preplanning modules into a project Preplanning effort, both internally and external Preplanning meetings
- Incorporate Preplanning efforts into the overall prefabrication efforts
- Use lean construction techniques especially those related to waste reduction to improve the Preplanning process
- Develop strategies using Preplanning to better understand the cost and productivity impact on the electrical contractor when the CM/GC impact the electrical contractor with schedule compression and “forced” accelerations
Fee for the session is $100.00 per ECA member.

Mark Federle, Ph.D., P.E., CPC;
Marquette University
PLEASE BE AWARE -- NEW DATE! -- Wednesday, October 26, 2022!
Please click below to register soon as we need to reach the minimum number required to hold the session.
Please contact the ECA with any questions at (708) 531-0022. We look forward to your participation with the program! Thank you for your continued support of Association activities.