April 12, 2022
8:00AM - 12:00PM
"Supply Chain Management" is scheduled for April 12, 2022
The event to be held on Tuesday, April 12, 2022 will be held at the Drake Oak Brook Hotel.
Drake Oak Brook Hotel, 2301 York Road Oak Brook, IL 60523 (630) 571-0000
Please join us for this ECA Research and Education Committee program!
Tuesday, April 12, 2022
"Supply Chain Management"
Presented by Maxim Consulting
Stephane McShane
2301 York Road
Oak Brook, IL 60523
(630) 571-0000
Program description:
Fee for the session is $100.00 per ECA member.
Nearly 40% of every dollar that runs through and organization is materials. However, the industry pays little attention to supply chain because the risk is in the labor, not the materials. This session will explore how to better leverage your supply chain to not only drive down material prices and costs associated with the “ing’s” of finding, buying, invoicing, payment, shipping, handling, etc. but also how to drive improvements in labor productivity through more effective use of your supply chain. Participants will explore basic supply chain principles, purchasing contracts, vendor managed inventory, consignment and full blow supply chain mechanics and the use of material requirements planning software and systems.
Following this course, participants will be able to:
- Understand the economics of materials and their impact on productivity and profitability
- Understand supply chain terminology and key concepts
- Evaluate options to improving your own supply chain
- Understand the impact of material requirements planning system
Program to be conducted by:

Stephane McShane
Maxim Consulting Group
Please click below to register soon as we need to reach the minimum number required to hold the session.
Please contact the ECA with any questions at (708) 531-0022. We look forward to your participation with the program! Thank you for your continued support of Association activities.