The Electrical Contractors’ Association of City of Chicago (ECA) held it’s October Membership meeting the evening of Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at Gibsons Steakhouse in Oak Brook, Illinois. The program featured a number of industry updates from Kendra Dinkins, ECA Research and Education Committee Chair, Jerry McGlynn, ECA Safety Committee Chair, McWilliams Electric Company, Inc., Gene Kent, IBEW-NECA Technical Institute (INTECH) Director. Rick Jamerson, ECA President, Jamerson & Bauwens Electrical Contractors, Inc. facilitated the session, as well as gave an overview of upcoming events. He also introduced the three guest presenters: Elbert Walters, III, Powering Chicago Executive Director, Eileen Rochford, The Harbinger Group CEO and Douglas Darch, Baker & McKenzie.
The program re-familiarized the audience with the industry activities of Powering Chicago and how each firm can benefit from participation! Also, Douglas Darch discussed the legal issues concerning the current COVID Vaccination environment. We thank our industry presenters, as well the highlighted guest speakers for their assistance in making the meeting a success!
Finally, each attendee received a pink, long-sleeve shirt honoring Breast Cancer Awareness Month courtesy of the ECA and Powering Chicago!
Pictured above is Elbert Walter, III, Powering Chicago as he began his presentation.
Pictured above is Douglas Darch, Baker & McKenzie, as he began his presentation.
Pictured above is Eileen Rochford, The Harbinger Group, as she began her presentation.